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"If you can't get bread, eat cake" !
Subject: "If you can't get bread, eat cake" !
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 23:00:46 -0500
For the last few days, the people of Northeast have been nearly drowned in
a flood of sympathy and concern over their not being able to vote in the
Presidential election, from Cushnahan to American Ambassador and from local
election monitors to local scribes and individuals like D.B.S. Jeyaraj
writing from the comfort and confines of far off Canada. Reference his
column in Sunday Leader of 20th November, many of his points therein, have
been contradicted by on the spot reports of other columnists Sonali and
Rohan in the same paper. His lengthy column full of repetitions, perhaps in
his senility, makes one wonder whether Sunday Leader is paying him for it
by column inches or by the number of words ? In general, most of his
writings are confined exclusively to LTTE bashing in vituperative tone and
language thus exposing his true self as a disgruntled person with an axe to
grind against the Tigers. But he is fond of referring to his 'dear friends'
by their full names, like Suppiah Paramu Thamilchelvan etc and
consequently, one is inclined to refer him as Deaf Blind Stupid Jeyaraj for
his naked bias and one sided trash.
Reverting to the overwhelming show of interest, solidarity and sympathy at
the 'denial' of voting rights to the Tamils of Northeast by all and sundry,
the hard fact is that the people are extremely disappointed at the lack of
any show of interest or sympathy by these so called 'good Samaritans' at
the denial of their basic right to live in their own homes or ply their
trade to earn their living and forced to live in refugee camps in misery
and utter deprivation by SL Army of occupation who have taken over
thousands of houses and vast areas of private arable lands under the
pretext of High Security Zones. They are disgusted at their hypocrisy
shedding crocodile tears over something that the people rightly consider
utterly useless to them while turning deaf and blind to SL Government
reneging on vital provisions of CFA. Of the two main contenders, one is a
'war monger' with a manifesto aimed at the resumption of war and the other
a 'peace pretender' boasting about his part in sinking ten LTTE ships in
International waters and claiming credit for the Karuna split, affording
him sanctuary and promoting attacks against the LTTE in brazen violation of
CFA. While the three and a half years of CFA has brought about peace,
normalcy and economic prosperity to the South, instead of affording the
same benefits to the people of Northeast, it has worsened their situation.
Army excesses, assaults, intimidation and harassment of civilians are
reported on a daily basis.
Surely, these 'good Samaritans' are not nincompoops with lop-sided
priorities to expect a people denied of basic human rights to worry about
election and voting which in any case, would lead to a worse situation for
them. Their message is loud and clear. Irrespective of their plight, what
is left for them is their right to live only and that is guaranteed by the
presence of LTTE. Far too long, the LTTE has been taken to be the whipping
boy ! The tactic of a teacher hitting the smallest boy in class in order to
impress the rest and bring them in line is primitive. Instead of condemning
only the LTTE for alleged violations and instead of taking cover under
diplomacy and occasional expression of mild displeasure, if you do not have
the will and guts to condemn the Government's violation of basic provisions
of CFA with impunity and the Security Forces' cowardly assaults on unarmed
civilians, for goodness sake, please SHUT YOUR B....Y GAPS. For, it is the
bias of vested interests that hinders the people of Northeast regaining
their lost rights.
25th November 2005