Editorial |
Editorial: Hope for Change
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 12 Oct 2024 19:55 GMT ]
If a negotiated agreement can be reached with the Sinhala mainstream parties with the support of the Sinhala public, Tamil people will likely have a safe and secure land in which to live in peace and harmony with their Sinhalese neighbours.
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The Disintegration of Cultural and Family Values in the North East of Sri Lanka
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 28 Sep 2023 00:45 GMT ]
In this current dire situation, the diaspora has a very important part to play to ensure the continuity of the Tamil nation. If they are not careful and take quick action, there is a danger.
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The Meltdown of Divided Sri Lanka and the Urgent Need of Solving Tamil Question
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 22 June 2022 14:05 GMT ]
The way forward to break free from this quagmire is to deliver the final political solutions to Tamils with a federal state in the North and East of Sri Lanka. Then, the Tamils will invest billions of dollars not only to pay its huge debt, but also invest to bring prosperity for all in Sri Lanka.
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Calling All Tamil Youth to Embrace Tamil Belongingness as a Distinct Community
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 08 Jan 2022 14:30 GMT ]
In our diverse society, we must keep our identity with pride. We don't have to move heaven and earth to safeguard our cultural identity - There is a saying, 'Be a Roman when in Rome.' Let's be British or Canadian or American or European whilst being a Tamil at home!
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[ TWG Editorial ] [ 10 Jul 2021 22:55 GMT ]
This is the least we can do for the over 200,000 people who have sacrificed their lives for freedom during the last forty years.
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Tamil Freedom and Continuing Human Rights Violations in Sri Lanka
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 10 Apr 2021 21:35 GMT ]
The appointment of an Independent International Inquiry on human rights violation in Sri Lanka is urgently needed. This should be followed by a referendum to implement the self-determination to restore of the nationhood of Tamils in North east of Sri Lanka.
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A New Beginning for USA - A New Hope for Tamils?
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 03 Feb 2021 00:05 GMT ]
What is needed is a major and concerted international intervention to bring about peace between the Sinhalese and Tamils, who have not enjoyed peaceful co-existence since their independence in 1948.
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Sri Lanka: Urgent Issues for its Post Parliamentary Election Agenda
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 23 Oct 2020 15:25 GMT ]
Sri Lanka unilaterally became a Republic, without the consent of all its citizens i.e. no referendum. The Sri Lankan Sinhala majority cannot ride roughshod forever over Tamils and other minorities.
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Response to Dayan Jayatillake - Sri Lanka Guardian Article - Tamil Nationalism is Dead
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 06 Sep 2020 23:44 GMT ]
It's better for D Jayatillake, the Buddhist clergy and the Rajapaksas to restore the nationhood of Tamils in the North East of Sri Lanka sooner rather than later if they were to realise their dream of keeping Sri Lanka united and intact forever.
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[ TWG Editorial ] [ 30 Jan 2020 03:25 GMT ]
The new President can turn the political situation to his lasting legacy and even make amends for his past failings by restoring Tamils' lost nationhood in the form of self-determination of the North East within a United Sri Lanka.
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Will It Be A Case Of Here We Go Again?
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 22 Nov 2019 22:22 GMT ]
The perennial problem of the Tamil question cannot be swept under the carpet.
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The 10th Anniversary of Sri Lankan army's Mullivaikal massacre of thousands of Tamil civilians
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 29 May 2019 23:25 GMT ]
It is now high time for the UN to show that it has teeth to conduct such investigations, particularly following the recent Easter Sunday massacre of Christian worshippers in their churches and foreign tourists in hotels in Sri Lanka.
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[ TWG Editorial ] [ 26 Apr 2019 00:47 GMT ]
The previous atrocities against Tamils were carried out away from the camera and hidden from international scrutiny.
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Fiasco in Paradise and a return to flagrant illegality and political gerrymandering!
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 19 Nov 2018 02:06 GMT ]
Given the abject failure over the last 70 years of the majority Sinhalese political parties to ensure the rights of the Sri Lankan minority communities, then it's incumbent on the international community to seek an immediate restoration of that clause in a revised constitution. [Full Story]
Saving Beloved Motherland! A Message to the Tamil Students World Over
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 30 Jul 2018 14:53 GMT ]
The disenfranchised and dispersed Jewish community kept their spirit of returning to their homeland for over 2000 years before they were united again in their ancestral land.
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The continued plight of the Missing Tamils in Sri Lanka
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 28 Feb 2017 09:55 GMT ]
The Sri Lankan government should address this issue with both urgency and sincerity.
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Destitution and Desperation in North Eastern Sri Lanka - An Inevitable Road To Women Being Abused!
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 01 Oct 2016 00:25 GMT ]
The issue requires a very urgent united effort from all the local, national and international agencies and governments before the situation gets worse and the sheer frustrations of the young Tamils could lead to a recurrence of old turbulence.
[Full Story]
VISION OF HOPE - Part II - Freedom
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 12 Aug 2015 02:12 GMT]
The Tamil question must be resolved within the framework of a federal system that is free of interference from Colombo, with Tamils able to exercise their desire to control their own lives, to rule their own destinies, and to govern themselves in their traditional home land.
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VISION OF HOPE - Part I [ TWG Editorial ] [ 18 May 2015 GMT ]
The question remains as to whether Tamils will be brave and prepared to move on from the past violent years of suffering by swapping a clear opportunity for peace through a fully fledged federal system to govern themselves within a united Sri Lanka, with a commitment to forgive those culprits indicted by the international war crimes investigation.
[Full Story]
'A Perfect Storm'
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 12 Nov 2013 03:03 GMT ]
The Commonwealth gives the notion of backing such blatant disregard of its basic human rights tenets by choosing Sri Lanka to host the Commonwealth Heads' meeting this month.
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The Way Forward
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 28 May 2013 00:02 GMT ]
They have to stand on their own feet to be counted to claim for justice and accountability.
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The Vatican and the Tamil Holocaust
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 17 Feb 2013 02:35 GMT ]
The Vatican's attitude towards the suffering of the Tamils of Sri Lanka especially since 2009 has been of great concern to Tamil Catholics.
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The UN Report reverberations
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 25 Dec 2012 00:05 GMT ]
The powers behind the UN could consider removing the culprits amongst their ranks lock stock and barrel if they have brought the once respected institution into disrepute.
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[ TWG Editorial ] [ 21 April 2010 10:17 GMT ]
We sincerely hope you will support this event, preferably by your attendance but a donation/contribution will also help.
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Final Appeal to bury the dead and save the injured numbering over 25,000 - PLEASE ACT!
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 18 May 2009 09:15 GMT ]
In the absence of any substantial action by the civilised world against Sri Lanka and for the protection of the Tamil Homeland and its people, sadly it will not be an end to the war.
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Sri Lanka - the only possible action
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 26 Apr 2009 20:23 GMT ]
As the entire civilized world, with the exception of 'patriotic' Sinhalese, is aghast at the mass murder of Tamil civilians in Northern Sri Lanka, by the politico-military junta the 'Sri Lankan Government'.
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Sri Lanka- An Island of Fear
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 15 Mar 2009 20:09 GMT ]
The International Community, particularly Japan, US, EU and India, has watched while the Tamils are slaughtered, kidnapped, raped and bled to death due to lack of medical care, like Nero watching from the Tower of Maecenas on the Esquiline Hill singing and playing the lyre while Rome burnt.
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VERY URGENT APPEAL: Voice of the voiceless and the helpless people of Vanni
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 13 Mar 2009 11:43 GMT ]
The final dying cry from Vanni in their own words before the bunkers they dug become their own grave requesting food, hospital and no cluster bombs! PLEASE SEND THIS DOCUMENT BY FAX TO YOUR HEAD OF GOVERNMENT AND HUMANITARIAN AGENCIES!
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Tamils are being wiped out from Sri Lanka while the Nations are watching!
[ IM ] [ 22 Feb 2009 00:10 GMT ]
Hundreds of innocent Tamil civilians are bleeding to death on the streets while the Sri Lankan government is involved in false propaganda to justify it's war agenda.
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A Genocide Unseen on Distant Shores - Sri Lanka's War on Tamils
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 28 Jan 2009 GMT ]
The US led global war on terror which allowed some states to conduct a repressive war against it minorities.
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The Agonising Cry of the People of Wanni, Sri-Lanka
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 16 Jan 2009 14:06 GMT ]
We earnestly urge your Excellency to take immediate action to stop this senseless war and put an end to the untold sufferings of the innocent civilians in Wanni whose life has become a real struggle for survival.
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Lies, Damn Lies and Ministerial Protestations
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 15 Jan 2009 13:27 GMT ]
Either you or your officials have not researched this conflict sufficiently or you have readily fallen for the GOSL's obfuscations. In 1976, all Tamil parties joined together and passed a resolution asking their Parliamentarians to seek the formation of a separate Tamil state in the homelands of the earlier Tamil Kingdoms.
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A MEMORANDUM - On the tragic situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka and on India's role
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 24 Dec 2008 11:09 GMT ]
On behalf of the Sri Lankan Tamils, I respectfully request you to use your good offices to present our case to the Indian government and to urge
them to intervene without further delay.
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Sri Lankan Christmas message sent with cluster bombs
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 24 Dec 2008 09:30 GMT ]
Our message on this Christmas eve to all our Christian readers is one of invoking the blessings of the infant Jesus and wishing a very happy Christmas and a joyous and peaceful New Year to everyone. Although Christmas has its obvious roots in the Christian religion, it has now become firmly etched even in non-Christian minds as a time of joy, goodwill, celebration and peace and we wish them all of these things.
In a world that is wracked by anxieties and worries about our own financial stability and about the gathering challenges of recession and possible redundancy affecting us, we need to look beyond the selfishness, excesses and the arrogance of capitalist greed and, instead look for the message of neighbourly love, kindness and generosity that is the hallmark of the message of Christmas. Although peace to all men of goodwill is the eternal message of hope at yuletide, it might also be considered an exhortation or even a divine edict to mankind to settle their differences in a non-violent, just and peaceful manner if we are not to attract the judgement of God.
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Letters: Tamil Writers Guild UK Salutes You!
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 18 Oct 2008 12:00 GMT ]
We look to the leadership of Tamil Nadu to prevent the imminent and genocidal consequences of the Sri Lankan government's unbridled thirst for the wholesale massacre of innocent Tamils in Sri Lanka.
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Tamils of Tamil Nadu - We salute you for your support in our worst peril
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 16 Oct 2008 20:21 GMT ]
The good people of Tamil Nadu and their leaders have seen the death and destruction wrought on the Tamils of Eelam by the blood-thirsty Sinhalese and their armed forces.
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BBC NEWS | 'Pain' of Sri Lanka aid pullout
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 28 Sep 2008 09:10 GMT ]
It must be to the eternal shame of the hypocritical International community represented by the likes of Lord Malloch Brown, who have closed their eyes to this racial genocide and by their prevarication, have encouraged the Sri Lankan government to this turkey shoot of the Tamils. They have armed this government with the latest in modern warfare and by their unconscionable bans abroad have forced the Tamils to defend themselves with bows and arrows. It can never be said that the Sinhalese armed forces met the Tamils bravely in the field of battle, because it is evident from this report that the Sinhalese government is waging war from afar with jets and rockets.
The Tamil spirit for liberation will never be vanquished, as it arises in the heart of every Tamil, living, dead and yet to be born. You cannot kill an idea and a dream.
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The Tamil Community's fervent prayer for deliverance in their darkest hour
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 26 Sep 2008 00:10 GMT ]
The spirit of the Tamils is oft conjoined in prayer to God to ward off evil and to thank him for his blessings. Spirituality is a part of our culture and tradition and one might even say is programmed into our DNA. Whether Hindu or Christian, the Tamil is imbued with this spiritual act of communing with his Creator and Benefactor as witnessed by the devotion expressed in mass pilgrimages in Tamil Nadu and Tamil Eelam to the shrines of our God and saints.
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A rallying call for a Tamil government in exile
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 10 August 2008 21:14 GMT ]
Like Britain did during the last World War permitting a Free French government in exile in the UK, it is time in the mutual interest of India, Tamil Eelam and indeed the whole region to allow for the establishment of an Eelam Tamil Government in exile in India until the Sinhalese are forced to withdraw to their own lands.
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ACHR: Sri Lanka, worst Human Rights violator among SAARC countries
[ TWG Editorial] [ 03 August 2008 00:38 GMT ]
In the name of justice and with the cries of over 100,000 innocent dead Tamil souls from beyond the grave, consumed in the flames of an unjust and indefensible war for territory and hegemony, we ask Britain to raise its voice and say that enough is enough.
[Full ACHR Report ]
A land of terror, uncertainty, suspicion and death
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 04 Apr 2008 00:33 GMT ]
An Easter Message to a Crucified People
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 23 Mar 2008 00:03 GMT ]
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 17 Mar 2008 00:21 GMT ]
Sooriyaaracchi, a former Minister and later critic of President Rajapakse killed in a suspicious car accident
[ TWG - Editorial] [ 12 Feb 2008 10:25 GMT ]
It is not often that we write about the untimely death of a Sinhalese politician, not because it is in itself not a human tragedy but because the obscene genocide of a Tamil nation is the gruesome tragedy that we have conscientiously set ourselves to expose to the world.
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Sri Lanka ends truce with rebels
[ BBC ] [ 02 Jan 2008 21:46 GMT ]
[ TWG - Editorial] [ 01 Nov 2007 23:51 GMT ]
Any decent human being will have been left with utter revulsion by the spectacle of the Sri Lankan military parading the nude bodies of the Tamil Black Tiger soldiers through the streets of Anuradhapura to satisfy the necrophilia of the assembled Sinhala Buddhist rabble and to seek to dishonour the Tamil soldiers who had fallen in the battlefield.
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[ TWG Editorial ] [ 01 Sep 2007 17:30 GMT ]
Sri Lanka - In the eyes of a British Girl
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 21 July 2007 20:49 GMT ]
A second letter to Canterbury
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 26 June 2007 13:46 GMT ]
Letter to Archbishop Rev Dr Rowan Williams
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 14 May 2007 00:05 GMT ]
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 11 November 2006 12:10 GMT ]
In the Path of Adrian Wijemanne
[ TWG Editorial ] [ 28 SEPTEMBER 2006 17:15 GMT ]
A voice crying in the wilderness
[ TWG Editorial - Neville Jayaweera ] [19 Aug 2006 13:45 GMT]
Adrian Wijemanne - An Appreciation
[TWG Editorial-Brian Senewiratne MA.MD.FRCP.FRACP] [31 July 2006 18:00 GMT]
[ TWG Editorial - Editorial] [ 29 Mar 2007 01:05 GMT ]
The Tamil people have a history over 5000 years and have a survival instinct unknown to many in the human race. They have seen many battles, many conquests, and have lived to fight another day. They are convinced of the near hypocrisy of the world to the pain and suffering experienced by their life in Sri Lanka. They are also plainly aware of the duplicity of the motives which drive the West to condemn human rights violations in Zimbabwe, whilst maintaining a diplomatic tolerance of the egregious violations in Sri Lanka.
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A Letter From Mr Ivan Pedropillai, Editor TWG To The Editor Of The Boston Globe Relating To Editorial On 29th June 2006
[TWG Editorial] [01 July 2006 0900 GMT]
Globe Editorial: Sri Lanka's uncivil war
Your editorial of 29th June on the "festering ethnic conflict in the island of Sri Lanka" is
very thoughtful and balanced. The Boston Globe has an international reputation for factual
and fair-minded journalism based on liberal philosophy and an empathy with the minorities
and the underdog. Let me congratulate you on the brief but lucid explanation of the issues
involved that have long been lost in the mist of black propaganda.
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An open letter from the Editor of TWG referring to the letter from the Bishop of Mannar regarding the Pesalai Church massacre
[TWG Editorial] [June 21st, 2006]
The government of Sri Lanka cannot continue to cover up its blood-dripping trail any more. The Catholic Bishop of Mannar has seen the brutality of the Sinhala armed forces at first hand in his own diocese. He has written this letter to the Vatican via the Apostolic Nuncio to Sri Lanka, as is the proper protocol in such serious matters. He has also copied it to Cardinal George Pell, Cardinal Archbishop of Sydney and the Catholic Association of Sydney Tamils.
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What are we waiting for? The Sinhala Government of Mahinda Rajapakse has started the 'Final Solution'
[TWG Editorial] [April 26, 2006 12:00 GMT]
It is over 60 years ago that the German Nazis engaged in the execrable 'Final Solution' of what they termed the Jewish problem in their midst. It was no more and no less than the savage annihilation of the Jews who had been settled in Europe for over a thousand years. The gas chambers of Auschwitz and Buchenwald that are still standing are macabre testimonies to the evil of racist superiority propounded and practiced by the butchers of Nazi Germany.
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The Spider and the Fly - a cautionary tale
[TWG Editorial] [April 13, 2006 12:00 GMT]
President Mahinda Rajapakse has to be judged by his actions and not his words.
It is clear from the recent course of events in the heartlands of northeast Sri Lanka that President Rajapakse has ordered his security forces to terrorise the Tamil population and to cause maximum damage to their properties, in order to repress their demands for self-determination and political autonomy. There is presently a genocidal blood bath unleashed on the Tamils of Trincomalee by the Sri Lankan Army and the Sinhala thugs.
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Letter from the Chairman, Tamil Writers Guild to Mr Philip Alston, UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Geneva regarding the dire danger to Dr Manoharan and family in Trincomalee
[TWG Editorial] [March 11, 2006 12:00 GMT]
We have received a moving and desperate letter from Dr Manoharan and Dr (Mrs) Manoharan, whose son was one of the five students murdered in the infamous execution style killing by the Sri Lankan Forces in Trincomalee on 2nd January 2006, stating that they are themselves now under severe intimidation and death threats from those who perpetrated the killing, to deter them from pursuing the due judicial process for their son's murderers. Their lives are now in daily danger, and they and their remaining two sons are physically under siege day and night, and no police protection is given to them. They have appealed for help in their distress. The Tamil journalist who reported the execution style killings has himself been murdered by the same forces in order to eliminate him as a witness
Similar letters were also sent to the following recipients:
1. Dr. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Chairperson, Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka
No. 36, Kynsey Road, Colombo 8, SRI LANKA
2. Mr. K. C. Kamalasabesan, Attorney General, Attorney General's Department
Colombo 12, SRI LANKA
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Letter to the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse regarding the plight of Dr Manoharan and family of Trincomalee
[TWG Editorial] [March 11, 2006 11:30 GMT]
We write to voice our concerns over the welfare and safety of a Dr. Manoharan and his family from Trincomalee, who have recently received death threats and been subject to other forms of threat and intimidation merely for seeking justice following the murder of his son, one of the five students who was murdered on the 2nd January 2006 near the Mahatma Gandhi statue between the Dockyard Road and the seaside, in Trincomalee.
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[TWG Editorial] [London 15.00 GMT 12 January 2006]
You might have read earlier Press Reports originating from Sri Lanka about three weeks ago that appeared to suggest that His Eminence Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor of the Diocese of Westminster in England on a courtesy visit to the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse had concurred with the President's request to 'look into' funds collected by Tamils in the UK for terrorism. I am pleased to report on the authority of the Cardinal's Director of Public Affairs that this was a mischievous twist given by the Sinhala Sri Lankan Press to a gratuitous statement made by the President which was heard by the the Cardinal out of courtesy but about which the Cardinal had not expressed an opinion. Attached are two releases from Mr Austen Ivereigh, the Cardinal's Director of Public Affairs.[Full Story]
Letter to Ms. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, EU - Commissioner for External Relations
[TWG Editorial] [London 15.00 GMT 12 January 2006]
I write as the Chairman of the Tamil Writers Guild in the UK. This is
just a message to congratulate you on what appears to be a very sincere
and even-handed message from you released on Thursday, 12th January 2006
for peace in Sri Lanka.
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Letter to Mr Herve Jouanjean, Deputy Director General for External Relations, EU Commission
[TWG Editorial] [London 15.00 GMT 27 December 2005]
I am writing again this time to bring to your notice, in case you are
not already aware of it, of the brutal murder of Mr Joseph Pararajasingham
MP by the Sri Lankan security forces operatives during Christmas Mass in the
Batticaloa Catholic Cathedral. You might, if you wish, say that the evidence
is not yet available as to the SL government's culpability in this brutal
murder. But that may not be quite ingenuous given Mr Pararajasingham's
known position on Eelam Tamil self-determination and that the new SL
Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka has quite openly stated his trenchant
and uncompromising view on his hardline position towards the Tamil
political struggle. We have to exercise our intelligence and political nous to
establish motive, opportunity, and history to avoid closing our minds
and our judgment.[Full Story]
Christmas Day 2005 murder most foul - Joseph Pararajasingham MP slain in church at Christmas Mass
[TWG Editorial] [London 19.00 GMT 25 December 2005]
It was not my original intention to write about callow murder, particularly inside a Catholic Church, on Christmas day. The commemoration of the Nativity of Jesus Christ is universally associated with the bringing of good tidings for all people of goodwill. For Christians, the birth of Jesus was the Advent of the Messiah who had been promised by God to save mankind. Yes, to save even those criminals and cowards who have sought with this despicable act to desecrate the portals of the Catholic Cathedral in Batticaloa on this Christmas day.
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A sequel to the Sri Lankan Presidential election - a month on ? A Sri Lankan Rip Van Winckle
[TWG Editorial] [London 18.00 GMT 16 Dec 2005]
Let me at the outset inform our readers that any resemblance to any character, either living or dead, is unintentional. This is a short story of Dingiri Banda Sinnelebbe Joyrajah, known facetiously as DBS (Dangerous Buffoon Sinnelebbe) by those who had been victims of his regular rants. His names allowed him the flexibility to assume the different guises of a Sinhala, Muslim or Tamil man as befitted the occasion. He was a very imaginative writer, who let his fertile imagination to do the talking and writing without having to be trammelled by facts. His Uncle Sam had educated him on the merits of writing to please those who commissioned him. He thought and felt like a circus bear with its trainer performing for an audience.
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No time to get comfy for Mahinda Rajapakse, the chickens are coming home to roost
[TWG Editorial] [London 14.00 GMT 3 Dec 2005]
The Hindustan Times comment of 2 December 2005 is a balanced analysis
of the reality of the post-election situation in Sri Lanka. President Rajapakse has been hoist by his own petard. He has not got much elbow room for wriggling, with the JVP baying on the one side and the West, the country's donor-paymasters, suspicious of him and considering him a recidivist Marxist, Sinhala hardliner.
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Sri Lankan Presidential Election result - Tweedledee or Tweedledum; it does not matter a jot or a tittle to the Tamils [TWG Editorial] [London 16.00 GMT 18 Nov 2005]
The Sri Lankan presidential election that was held on Thursday, 17th November 2005 has produced a result that is of supreme irrelevance to the Tamils of the country. The Sri Lankan Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse of the UPFA has won the race receiving 4.88 million votes or 50.3% of the total cast to become the Sinhala nation's fifth President. He has beaten the former Prime Minister and UNP candidate Ranil Wickremesinghe who received 4.70 million votes or 48.4% in a close-run race . It is reported that most Tamils did not cast their votes in this election. The Election Commissioner has put the voter turnout at some 75%.
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Ivan Pedropillai - Letter to Mr Robert Evans MEP
[TWG Editorial] [London 21.00 GMT 5 Nov 2005]
We have met a few times some years ago, once when I presided at some public meetings for Barry Gardner and some other Labour Party candidates in the Brent area before the 1997 general elections. As President of the Tamil Writers Guild (in English), I wrote recently to Mr Barroso, President of the European Commission regarding the EU ban on travel by the LTTE which we thought was misconceived and detrimental to the Peace Process in Sri Lanka. [Full Story]
Ivan Pedropillai - Appreciation for Jeyam
[TWG Editorial] [London 18.00 GMT 4 Nov 2005]
The mortal remains of Jeyam Thamotheram were laid to rest in London , England on 4 th November 2005 . He passed away on 27 th October at 87 years of age after a lifetime of service to the Tamil community. He was loving a husband, a father, a grandfather, a brother, an uncle, a friend, a counsellor and above all the conscience and the motivating force that unceasingly mustered and rallied the intellectual and professional classes of expatriate Tamils to uphold and advance the cause of the oppressed Tamils of Sri Lanka in their struggle for freedom. The institutions he created and the network of friends that he made by his immense capacity of persuasiveness and his infectious energy will remain as edifices to his selfless devotion to the cause of justice and self-determination for Tamils in the northeast of Sri Lanka . [Full Story]
Ivan Pedropillai - Response to EU on LTTE ban
[TWG Editorial] [London 21.00 GMT 2 Nov 2005]
On behalf of the Tamil Writer's Guild, representing Tamil Writers and professionals in the UK , I wish to express our serious concerns regarding your declaration banning the travel of Liberation Tigers to EU countries at a time when the stalled peace process in Sri Lanka needs to be carefully nursed and nurtured back into life. We are law-abiding subjects of the UK and the objective of our letter is to help preserve and protect the peace process in Sri Lanka . [Full Story]
My talk at Tsunami Mass
[TWG Editorial] [London 16.00 GMT 16 July 2005]
We welcome all of you to this memorial mass today to mark the memory of all the victims of the tsunami that struck Sri Lanka on Boxing Day last year. While we have come to pray for the repose of the souls of 40,000 dead and the million ravaged and homeless from our own country, we must not forget the nearly 250,000 who were lost and the millions devastated in all the countries on the rim of the Indian Ocean that were battered by these raging waves of mountainous height. [Full Story]
Letter to the Editor, Sunday Times
[TWG Editorial] [London 20,00 GMT 16 Feb 2002]
The fragile peace process - treat it with love and care
These are crucial times in the nation's modern history. The legacy of human suffering, economic stagnation , devastation and social deprivation bequeathed on the country by the protracted ethnic war is an unmitigated catastrophe from which we have to extricate ourselves. The courageous stance of the Prime Minister (and UNF) and the LTTE to pursue peace in a fragile climate of fear and suspicion on both sides is much to be admired. Your editorial, 'The peace frenzy' on Sunday, 24th February 2002 , unfortunately pours scorn on a peace process as yet in its infancy. It is reckless and self-indulgent at this critical juncture for the President or anyone else to 'fiddle' while ' Rome ' ( Sri Lanka ) burns.
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