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Letter to Bucks Free Press
[Reginald Von Rugen] [London 27 September 2006]
We at Tamil Writers Guild like to submit our protest at your website's free will in becoming a propaganda machine for the Failed Racist Terrorist State of Sri Lanka High Commission's media office run by ex and current war criminals. The peace vigil was a peaceful protest held by peace loving Tamil Diaspora highlighting the brutal oppression by the Sinhala State Terrorism for the last 50 years.
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Letter to the Editor - Sunday Times Lanka
[ John Peterson ] [ 24 Apr 2019 01:15 GMT ]
The country's post-independence period has been riddled with race riots and genocide against the minority Tamils.
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Tamil Eelam demand in International Law
[ TWG ] [ 04 Jan 2007 00:09 GMT ]
The UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (G.A Resolution 2200 of 1966) in Article 1 states: "All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development."
The Sri Lanka government has not simply been against but openly oppressive of the Tamil people, as a nation and its political, economic and ethno-cultural interest and advancement. As such the Sri Lanka Tamils have no state and are seeking to create their own sovereign state of Eelam in their own homelands based on their right to self-determination.
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Stifling the aspirations of the Tamils
[The Morning Leader] [ 31 December 2006]
With great deference to the Sinhalese people many of whom I have found to be excellent hosts and good natured people, I feel Pirapaharan has spoken the truth with regard to the successive governments that governed this country since the 1920s
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Senseless Words and Inappropriate Deeds
[Sabesan] [Melborne, Australia 07 August 2006]
In light of the history of Singhalese hegemony, bloodshed and
it is incomprehensible that external forces are still inclined towards
Tamils being coerced to drop their arms and join hands with the
in the holy matrimony of a unified state. If democracy means one man
vote, then in a country where extreme nationalism is the proven mantra
gaining power, there is no place for a minority community.
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Kebithigollewa Massacre
[The Tamil Mirror, Canada] [June 2006]
The international news media, after a long period of time, had commenced publication of details of the gory killings by the Army and their paramilitary groups in the Northeast. The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) had finally come out openly against the Government, accusing it of covering up atrocities by the Army and the paramiltaries. International human right organizations like Amnesty International, have begun to question the Government of Sri Lanka. This certainly had stung the Sinhalese nationalists to some extent. What stung them most was the fact that the European Union and Japan, who are major donors, had passed strictures on the Government to the extent of threatening to cut off aid. This was the final straw. The extremists had to do something and, that too quick, to divert the focus of the European Union and Japan elsewhere. The result was the Kebethigollewa carnage.
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Peace for Eelam Tamils in the new millennium
[TWG] [London 15.00 GMT 3rd March 1999]
My talk today in the Grand Committee Room of the House of Commons in
London, will be based on the premise that our inalienable right to freedom has
been so maligned by the black propaganda of the Sri Lankan government, that
I need to explain to you in about fifteen minutes, firstly the background
to our struggle and then our confidence that a negotiated peace settlement
will bring incalculable benefits to both the nations that share that land.
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