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Defy the Immoral Aggression of the International Community and Strengthen the Hands of LTTE – Tami Academics

Date: 03 November 2006

Source : IATA

London: In a press release sent from London England, the International Association of Tamil Academics (IATA) lambasted the international community for acting not only without a sense of morality but also without a sense of reality. The stark silence of the international community almost twenty four hours after the horrendous aerial bombardment of the Kilinochchi General Hospital with over five hundred in-patient admissions says more about the diabolical duplicity of the International community thank about the demonic state of Sri Lanka.

The silence of the former is a heinous crime by all human standards. Even under the murderous regime of Hitler and his henchmen hospitals were spared. IATA said that the International community has always stood with anti-social and anti-human powers for cheap political favours and to satisfy their economic greed. Akin to the Biblical symbol of Goliath the International community persistently permits and perpetuates the murder and maiming of the innocents precisely because these people are poor and vulnerable. But there is always a ‘day of Judgement,’ said IATA in its hard-hitting statement. We present below some extracts of the IATA statement. “Any Tamil-speaking person with an iota of human conscience should not pay any attention to the opinion of the so called international community. As the Tamil saying goes, there will be always a Day of Judgement and the international community particularly Britain, Portugal and the Netherlands who have ruled the Tamils and unleashed their brand of colonial terrorism on the Tamil community form 1506 and decimated our population have a grave moral and political obligation toward the Tamil community in Sri Lanka. Under the banner of the unjust and aggressive attitudes of the EEC, these very same nations have been on the fore-front in banning the sole saviours of the Tamil nation namely the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. EEC nations militarily and otherwise strengthened the hand of the oppressive and terror-based government of Sri Lanka thereby urging them to complete the process of Tamil genocide.

Defying the ban of LTTE, and other restrictions placed on the freedom of expression of the Tamils living in EEC nations, Britain, USA, and Canada, Tamils everywhere must strengthen the hands of the LTTE that the demonic powers that seek to destroy the Tamil and decimate the Tamil population in Tamil Eelam. We must act in unison to save the Tamil race and nation from extinction.

As observed by the veteran Tamil journalist D.B.S. Jeyaraj, the international community crows aloud about peace and negotiation only when the LTTE effectively and successfully engages in defensive military action. When the Government of Sri Lanka engages in offensive military action to decimate the Tamil population, these very nations applaud the military action. There is substantial evidence that both EEC and North American countries have patted on the shoulders of the hawkish, oppressive and war-mongering president of Sri Lanka when he unleashed dozens of lethal bunker buster bombs supplied by USA, Israel and Pakistan on innocent Tamil civilians in Jaffna Batticaloa, and Klilinochchi and Mullaitivu.

Prof. S. Amuthasakaran, PhD President- IATA

Published: Nov 03, 2006 15:02:24 GMT

Source: IATA
Date: 03 November 2006

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