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An Ode to the late Mr.C.J.T.Thamotheram by Mr. S. Muttiah

By : S.Muttiah
Source : TWG

I’d like to pay my tribute here
To CJT we loved so dear
For he was close to one and all
Some memories let me recall

Way back at St. Patrick’s of old
He was my maths teacher like gold
Our school motto ‘Fide et Labore’
He upheld ‘superiore’

His anguish for his people knew no bounds
In their native land so hell-bound
He did his best with every resource at his command
A lifetime of sacrifice for fellow mankind

His literary initiatives will be of catalytic might
In the cause of promoting justice, freedom and right
He believed passionately the credo all humans are born to be equal
Will his dream materialise when Tamils are treated so unequal ?

He was above all the devoted Head of a family
Nurtured by a loving wife, a lily
And loving sons and daughters three plus three
They’ll miss their Appa, and so will we

A man we all were proud to know
To whom so much we owe
Tho’ from our lives he’s gone
His spirit will surely live on

Tho’ you are gone we can never forget
For all your life’s labour to beget
Beseech we in earnest prayer
May the Good Lord reward you for ever