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Sri Lanka Air Force Bombs Orphanage

Date: 18 October 2006
Source: Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation


18 October 2006

Sri Lanka Air Force Bombs Orphanage

TRO would like to express its concern of the degrading security situation in the NorthEast. The latest incident is the bombing by the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) on Tuesday 17 October 2006 of Arivucholai, an orphanage housing 216 children in Puthukudiyiruppu in Mullaitivu district.

The bombs missed the main building of the orphanage exploding in the playground and damaging the bathing area.

Two children, a boy and a girl, were injured in this attack and are being treated at a hospital in Kilinochchi. The SLMM has visited the orphanage and the injured children.

This is the third such attack on an orphanage in the NorthEast by the SLAF

26 April 2006: TRO Santhosam Children's Home (40 orphans) damaged by a bombing
14 August 2006 Sencholai Children's Home bombed - 52 children and 4 adults killed
17 October 2006: Arivucholai Children's Home bombed - 2 children injured

These three orphanages, and the 35 others in the NorthEast, are registered with the Government of Sri Lanka and their locations and the number of children in each is known to the authorities in Colombo.

TRO calls on the international community, the United Nations and the humanitarian community to ensure that the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) immediately ceases all attacks on children and other civilians. There has been a marked increase in the number of attacks on civilians and humanitarian workers in the NorthEast by GoSL security forces and an atmosphere of impunity exists amongst the security forces.

Source: Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation
Date: 18 October 2006

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